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Are you taking your loved ones on a skiing vacation? Or have plans out of town for this Christmas?

If you started packing your bags but don't know what to put inside, wait for a second.

There is one simple rule when it comes to kids outfits - they have to be comfortable and warm. Whether you are going on a skiing holiday in the mountains or are visiting your children's grandparents out of town, keeping your kids warm and fancy is what this season's clothing is all about.

Today, we are solving your packing needs and giving you our best outfit ideas for kids - featuring products you can buy on our website with only one click!

So, let's begin with our outfit ideas.

1. The Nordic Warmth

What's more good looking than a little boy dressed up in jeans, a comfy shirt and a stylish Christmas-like cardigan on top of it?

We all get it - your kid doesn't feel comfy in jackets and coats. Instead of feeling puffy, a cardigan will keep him warm and cozy. Plus, he would never have to take it on and off, which is another disadvantage with jackets.

2. Styles From The 60s

Your boy and girl can now complement your elegant attire - even on your holiday. If you are driving out of town for the Christmas holidays or visiting your family abroad, it's never late to shop for a shirt, vest and comfy pants for your boy - and a dress, jacket and matching hat for your lovely girl. We don't even have to mention the boots on the legs, right?

3. It's The Plaid Season

Plaid designs are made for the winter. From flannel shirts to stylish jackets and skirts, we have a lot of them to offer. For boys, we recommend the all-time fleece top look with herringbone pants and a thick vest. For the small ladies, our two cents would be warm skirts and long-sleeve blouses, with a matching jacket on top.

4. The Winter Vibes

Shopping for jackets just got a lot easier, thanks to our brand new collection of jackets for baby girls and baby boys. From furry coats to puffed parkas - our jackets are meant to provide the highest comfort and the best warmth to your little ones, even if they are lying on the snow making angels.

5. Comfy Sleepwear

Going to sleep after a hard day of enjoying your holiday is important for your kids, just like it is for you. That's why you shopping for comfortable sleepwear combinations is something we recommend. If you are heading on a winter holiday in the mountains, aside from the warm pajamas - you can always add one or two pairs of extra socks for under the blankets.

6. Fancy Restaurant Attire

There is no point in dressing up and leaving your kid with that stained T-shirt for dinner time in your hotel. Your boys and girls can now shine on the dinner as a prince and princess - thanks to our new collection of dresses for girls and shirts for boys. We guarantee you and they will love your picks!

7. Suit Up The Cuteness

Party and formal wear for boys may burst you into laughing, but it's definitely something that will help your boy steal the show - especially if it's a wedding out of town you are attending. While the dress collection for girls is something you may already be familiar with, it's time for us to introduce you to our formal wear for boys. Here, you get to choose formal combinations from head to toe and transform your cute boy into an even cuter gentleman.

We hope these outfit picks will help you while packing! Hurry up and get what you need most from our site - and enjoy the FREE shipping on every order over $100!


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